
Unlike the picture might suggest, in real life I am not a psycho-killer (qu'est-ce que c'est?), so don't run run run away (yet).

I am a thirty something living in the area of Leuven, which is a great place in the middle of Belgium. For a living (and for fun too), I work on the development of voice enhancement algorithms at NXP Software. I originally started this blog at the moment I took the opportunity to spend 8 months in Asia for my work (Taiwan, Korea and China) to share experiences with my friends and family. I am currently lagging at least one million posts and numerous new trips behind. Slowly catching up (but not always in chronological order). Work in progress...
My interests include hiking, traveling, photography, guitar, cycling, food, Asia and some more. All the pictures in this blog are taken by myself (unless stated otherwise). You are free to use them, but I would appreciate if you would leave me a little message. Also in case of any questions (especially about hiking in Korea) feel free to comment.

Have a great day!